How to create a dict in python?

By Nischal Lal Shrestha | On Tue, Dec 28 2021 | Filed under Code

Image for How to create a dict in python?

The dictionary is a fundamental data structure of a python ecosystem. It is written as a series of key:value pairs, separated by commas, enclosed in curly braces.


fruits = {"orange": 300, "apple": 500, "banana": 200}

How to create an empty dictionary in python?

To create an empty dictionary, we use the following syntax:

empty_dict = {}
another_empty_dict = dict()

How to create a dictionary with initial values?

To create a dictionary with initial values, we use the following syntax:

my_dict = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}

How to create a dictionary with initial values using the dict() function?

my_dict = dict("key1"="value1", "key2"="value2")

How to create a nested dictionary?

To create a nested dictionary, we use the following syntax:

my_dict = {"key1": {"key11": "value11", "key12": "value12"}, "key2": {"key21": "value21", "key22": "value22"}}

How to create a dictionary from a list?

To create a dictionary from a list, we use the following syntax:

my_dict = dict([("key1", "value1"), ("key2", "value2")])

How to create a dictionary from a list of tuples?

To create a dictionary from a list of tuples, we use the following syntax:

my_dict = dict([("key1", "value1"), ("key2", "value2")])

How to create a dictionary by passing a list of keys and a list of values?

To create a dictionary by passing a list of keys and a list of values, we use the following syntax:

my_dict = dict(keys=["key1", "key2"], values=["value1", "value2"])

How to create a dictionary by passing key/value tuple pairs to the type constructor?

To create a dictionary by passing key/value tuple pairs to the type constructor, we use the following syntax:

my_dict = dict(zip("abc", [1, 2, 3]))

How to create a dictionary from a dictionary?

To create a dictionary from a dictionary, we use the following syntax:

my_dict = dict({"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"})

How to create an ordered dictionary?

To create an ordered dictionary, we use the following syntax:

from collections import OrderedDict
my_dict = OrderedDict({"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"})