Bayesian Theorem and Naive Bayes Classifier
The fundamental idea behind all Bayesian Statistic is Bayesian Theorem. So it is vital to understand what is Bayesian Theorem.

K-Nearest Neighbour Algorithm for Image Classification
KNN algorithm assumes that similar things are near to each other. In KNN we select a number of neighbors of the things we're are interested in and based on the...

Introduction to Abstract Data Types
Computer Scientists uses the concept of abstraction to manage the complexity of a system or a problem. By abstraction we mean, specifying what it does, but not How it...

Introduction to Data Structure
A Data Structure, as the name suggests, is a method to store data in a structured way so that it can be easily created, viewed, and managed. A one-liner definition...

Classification of Data Structure
A Data Structure, as the name suggests, is a method to store data in a structured way so that it can be easily created, viewed, and managed. How do we classify data...

Simple Linear Regression Tutorial
Linear Regression attempts to model the relationship between two variables by fitting a linear equation to observed data

Bayesian Theorem and Naive Bayes Classifier
The fundamental idea behind all Bayesian Statistic is Bayesian Theorem. So it is vital to understand what is Bayesian Theorem.

K-Nearest Neighbour Algorithm for Image Classification
KNN algorithm assumes that similar things are near to each other. In KNN we select a number of neighbors of the things we're are interested in and based on the...

Introduction to Abstract Data Types
Computer Scientists uses the concept of abstraction to manage the complexity of a system or a problem. By abstraction we mean, specifying what it does, but not How it...

Introduction to Data Structure
A Data Structure, as the name suggests, is a method to store data in a structured way so that it can be easily created, viewed, and managed. A one-liner definition...

Classification of Data Structure
A Data Structure, as the name suggests, is a method to store data in a structured way so that it can be easily created, viewed, and managed. How do we classify data...